
AIR:RUN Virtual Challenge promo

Change is in the air at Richmond

AIR:RUN was due to bring a brand new concept in 'audio running' to the beautiful 2,500 acres of Richmond Park on Sunday, 31 May but the microscopic and invisible enemy of Coronavirus put paid to that – at least until the postponed date of Sunday, 25 October. However, the team that are also responsible for Richmond RUNFEST in September didn't want anyone to miss out on some self-isolating fun...

AIR:RUN Virtual Challenge is on now and continues until Monday, 1 June. We may not be able to share a start line but we can still share the experience of running a virtual Mile, 5K, 10K or Half Marathon, joining hundreds of others on the AIR:RUN Virtual leader board and competing for NIKE swag in the form of technical T-shirts for top three finishers.

Everyone who enters will receive a finishers certificate and have the AIR:MAZING medal posted to them. The rules are pretty simple: register and pay the entry fee (£10 plus P&P), complete the distance, record it on your watch or app, take a photo of your time and send it in.

Alternatively, if you don't want to participate in the virtual event, you can set a target to complete any AIR:RUN distance without registering and send a picture to the official Facebook group for a big social media shout out but no medal or leader board position.

Many of the AIR:RUN organisers and volunteers will join you in the virtual challenge and they are experimenting with music genres, based around the findings of music consultant Professor Costas Karageorghis. Here are four examples of the organiser's favourites:

The organisers stress that whilst taking part in your challenge you must continue to follow government guidelines on social distancing and stay safe if running with headphones.

AIR:RUN is still offering 1,000 free places for NHS staff and some places are still available.

For entry details for AIR:RUN Virtual Challenge or the real event head to the website here.

Image courtesy AIR:RUN

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