
Speyside Windfarm Challenge Runner

Run With The Wind At Your Back!

We find out more about Speyside's Windfarm Challenge...

Windfarms notoriously divide opinion with some regarding them things of beauty, while other consider them eyesores… I like to think that the latter camp is becoming smaller as a move to greener energy becomes ever-more pertinent. Whatever your stance though, we can all agree that windfarms are usually located in picturesque spots, with far-reaching views guaranteed. Pauls Hill Windfarm in Speyside is no different and makes an epic location for a running event!

Taking place on 27 August, the Speyside Windfarm Challenge is an annual event which takes place at the end of the summer, there are three races to choose from with a 12 Mile, 10K and 1 Mile Kids Run. A fantastic day out for the whole family, with plenty to enjoy in the area pre and post race.

The 12 Mile race has a challenging course that climbs up, and around the windfarm, climbing some 1400ft in total, with incredible views from the Cairngorms to the Spey Valley and out to the Moray Firth.

The 10K is a non-competitive fun, yet challenging run. The course runs along the same route as the 12 mile race, until runners get to the start of the loop at the top of the windfarm, here is the option to take a quick break with water and shortbread provided.

The kids run takes place along the access road to the Pauls Hill Wind Farm, which forms part of the adults event. The route is slightly undulating, mainly uphill for the first half and then retraces the same route back to the Start/Finish. All of the children who take part will receive a medal.

After your exertions you will be delighted to enjoy some home baking and refreshments while awards are given to the fastest male, and female of each event. There will also be a prize awarded to the runner of the 12 Mile Run, who has improved the most from the previous year.

If you'd like to know more, visit the event website here.

Image: Speyside Windfarm Challenge

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