
Run For Wildlife 10K Runners

Running Wild

This springtime safari spectacular is certainly worth considering...

Run for your life takes on a whole new meaning when lions are added to the mix! But don't worry, at April's Run For Wildlife 10K the lions won't be roaming alongside you because all the action takes place at Yorkshire Wildlife Park (YWP).

The brand new 10K running safari is in support of the YWP Foundation and takes place on 24 April at the newly expanded animal park in Doncaster. The unique route involves one big single loop of the park and grounds taking in as much of the park as possible where you will run alongside some amazing animals, including lions, giraffes, rhinos, baboons, tapirs and more.

Each of race organiser Curly's Athletes' Run for Wildlife events has a unique animal theme to help raise awareness, it also provides them with design ideas for medals and t-shirts. Spring 2022's theme will be the lowland tapir - a large, herbivorous mammal closely related to rhinos and horses (in case you wondered).

The real beauty of this event though, is that after the run you can enjoy the rest of the day at the venue (this is included in your entry to the race). So bring along your friends and family to support you and enjoy all that the park has to offer post race.

While YWP is caring for the animals and working on conservation projects at home, YWP Foundation is the away team. They work with partners in conservation and welfare around the world, who are doing a great job protecting and saving animals and improving welfare in zoos or in the wild. The Run for Wildlife events help directly support the YWPF.

You can find out more about this event at the Curly's Athletes website.

Image: Curly's Athletes

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