
Manchester Half Heroes

Heroes To Assemble In Manchester

This year's Manchester Half is calling for heroes of all shapes and sizes to join in the fun...

The North West’s biggest half marathon is returning on 9 October, with 15,000 runners set to complete the 13.1 miles around Greater Manchester, enjoying its fast, flat course and the unrivalled supportive and welcoming Mancunian atmosphere.

For 2022, the Manchester Half will be unveiling a new ‘Heroes’ theme, championing the many heroes who are tackling the 13.1 mile distance, those who inspire others to run and the local heroes we encounter everyday.

Explaining the idea behind the Heroes theme, event organiser, Nick Rusling said: “This year we want to celebrate the everyday heroes who will be running the streets of Manchester. There are heroes all around us and they come in many forms. Our real-life heroes might not have superpowers or wear capes (although some of you might choose to dress as your favourite hero on the day), but they are there.

"Some of our runners are heroes as they have overcome great barriers, some are running for their own personal heroes who were or are special to them, and some are simply their own heroes just for taking on the half marathon challenge.

"Manchester has produced a lot of heroes, from music icons and sporting stars to local legends. 2022 provides an excellent opportunity for us to welcome more heroes into the hall of fame!”

Not only will 2022 welcome 15,000 heroes to the start line, but the route will also see a change with the half marathon coursing through the city centre for the first time. Popular for its closed road route, runners will have the rare opportunity to have the city streets to themselves as they make their way round one of Europe’s flattest courses.

To find out more about the event visit the website here.

Image: Manchester Half/Human Race

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