
Divorce Day Fundraiser MedalImage: courtesy of How Hard Can It Be Events & CODRC

Eventful Divorce Day Fundraiser

Event was fundraising for an AED defibrillator.

The party continued at the Divorce Day Fundraiser (Saturday 12 June) and no unruly scenes from the soon-to-be-separated couples. It was a day to remember that included an unforeseen incident involving a youngster and railings...

This event made a successful debut in 2019 with people entering into the spirit by dressing up in wedding attire. Proving to be too good to miss and a great deal of fun, the Divorce Day Marathon and Half was back on a hot summer’s day in Shropshire.  

This themed race from How Hard Can It Be Events & CODRC started at 9am from Coalport where runners began as happily married ‘couples’ as they readied themselves for a marathon (three laps) or a half marathon (two laps). The couples were selected either at random or by personal request.

They were celebrated with confetti and speeches before the couples set off on a scenic route consisting of paths and tracks through the Valley of Ironbridge, Rough Park and part of the Silkin Way. Then a ‘quickie divorce’ after the first lap in the half marathon or the second lap in the marathon where the couples went their separate ways with one person running the same direction and the other running in reverse.     

A last minute diversion and a two year old child getting his head stuck in railings on the course (later freed safely) didn’t stop proceedings and there were plenty of smiles amongst the top hats and white veils.  

A bespoke themed medal and prosecco waited for runners at the finish. 

All profits will be used for the purchase of a defibrillator to further increase runner safety at these events.

Full results available via runabc Midlands race listing page here.

Image courtesy of How Hard Can It Be Events & CODRC. 

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