Home in on a fast mile
Running a mile as fast as you can may not be something that you immediately think of but for anyone looking to test themselves coach John Danahay has the answer. His High Performance Runner One Mile Challenge focuses the mind and can be done from home as per government guidelines.
Virtual events have increased in popularity due to the coronavirus outbreak and give runners a goal to aim for as they adapt their training to the current situation. Many of these are 5 miles and above in distance and at a pace chosen by the individual runner. There are virtual 5ks as well that are acting as a replacement for Saturday morning parkruns.
Middle distance track athletes are usually the only ones to attempt an ‘eyeballs out’ mile and now, because of the restrictions around where you can run and how far, is a realistic target. The April One Mile challenge can be run on its own or as part of a longer session but in a safe area and without causing any disruption to others or breaking the rules on social distancing.
The mile must be run in a straight line and ideally, on the flat. A loop or long downhill is not allowed or treadmill sessions. Choose your route then record your speedy mile using a GPS or a screen shot and send to John Danahay.
He is keeping a record of everyone’s times and halfway through April, will publish these and again at the end of the month. Participants can review their progress over this short distance and may even discover a hidden talent for middle-distance running.
The results so far are impressive and show best times of 4:40 (men) and 5:57 (women).
Contact John Danahay via High Performance Runner website for more details.
Image courtesy of John Danahay – High Performance Runner