
Windsor Half Marathon

No need to flap – Windsor’s early bird extended

Runner-focused offer reflects the economic climate

According to Professor Google, parrots are the only birds that can live longer than humans, with a life expectancy of up to 100 years. Cocky Bennett, a cockatoo, reportedly lived 120 years and on his demise in 1916 he even had his own obituary printed!

Now we know this is runABC and not ornithologyABC, so perhaps we should get to the nub of the matter. We have just heard the most enduring early bird offer – permanent, until race day – offered by organisers of the Running4Women Windsor Women’s 10K and Windsor Half Marathon on 24th September and 25th September.

This means reduced price entry fees – which usually end on 31st May to encourage early entry – will remain pegged at £25.50/£27.50 and £37.50/£39.50 until race day for each event.

Given the current economic climate, the organisers understand runners feel pressure to enter events early to save on their race entry fees. Over the past three years, the industry has seen a general increase in pricing for such events, making things even more difficult. 

Peter Hier, CEO of Running4Women, explained why such a runner-focused decision was made: “We don’t want the current economic situation to impact on runners’ love for their sport or their access to it, so we’re doing something about it. By keeping our entry fees low, we can help to ensure that more people enjoy our event and their training up to it. It’s as simple as that, really!”

This year will be the the 18th Windsor Women's 10K and the 39th running of the Windsor Half Marathon, with both enjoying the majestic setting of Windsor Great Park and the iconic start and finish on the Long Walk, right in front of Windsor Castle.

For full details of Running4Women Windsor Women’s 10K click here and for Windsor Half Marathon click here

For previous event reports and results visit runABC South race listing here for Windsor Women's 10K and here for Windsor Half Marathon

Image courtesy Windsor Half Marathon on Facebook

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