
jogscotland Joggers

Tag Along In The New Year!

jogscotland has a new campaign to get more people active in 2023...

As we head towards the New Year there will be many people considering making 2023 the year they 'get more active' - indeed the beginning of a new year is always one of the busiest times for jogging groups as everyone dives into their New Year’s resolutions! This year jogscotland has a campaign planned to help its groups capitalise on one of the things they know is most successful in attracting new members – world of mouth.

The idea behind the campaign is for jogscotland members to encourage their friends and family to 'Tag Along' to their group in January and just give it a try! Jog leaders can sign their group up for the campaign now and start activities ready for the New Year. When a group signs up they will be sent some A4 pages with a luggage tag design. Joggers are then to write a message onto the tag to encourage their friends and family along. 

Not sure what to write? Don't worry because jogscotland HQ will send some prompts too, such as 'What do you get from the group?' 'How does jogging with the group make you feel?' Once members have committed pen to paper they are to be photographed holding up their tags, a spokesperson from jogscotland said: "Hopefully the text on your tag will be legible and ideally you'll have a happy smiling face in the pic too!"

When January rolls around, joggers are to post their photo on their own social media thereby encouraging people they know to 'Tag Along' with them and give the group a try. Jog Leaders will also post all photos on the group's own social media channels, and share them with jogscotland HQ so they can be posted nationally too!

jogscotland's spokesperson continued: "We encourage jog leaders to consider holding specific ‘come and try’ sessions in January so that people who see the posts, have a welcoming session to Tag Along to."

If you are a jogscotland leader and would like your group to take part, head here to register details for an information pack. 

Image: jogscotland Twitter

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