parkrun's Special Days
We unwrap the presents of extra festive parkruns for you...
Regular readers and committed parkrunners will know there are extra events on over the festive season – as long as Christmas Day and New Year's Day don't fall on a Saturday – but did you know the arrangements differ in other countries? runABC reporter Alan Newman has taken a look at the parkrun Special Events to discover how this works around the world...
On the UK Christmas and New Year Special Events page, parkrun states: "There are two days in each year where events may stage events on days other than their normal day. Since 25th December 2004, Bushy parkrun has held an event on Christmas Day and following this tradition, each country can nominate one 'Special Day' per year on which they can stage events."
On the parkrun Support page it is clarified that all countries can run on New Year's Day as that date is common to all. However, the 'Special Day' is variable according to nations' wishes, as parkrun explains: "Each year there are two days where event teams may choose to hold a parkrun on another day. One is New Year’s Day (January 1st) in all countries; the other is a ‘Special Day’ for each individual country."
Of the 19 nations where parkruns are held only six hold their extra run on Christmas Day. Those are Australia, France, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand and the UK. In Poland, it's Boxing Day and it's Ascension Day in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
Not surprisingly, the USA has opted for Thanksgiving Day. That leaves Canada (Canada Day), Germany (Unity Day), Japan (Greenery Day), Malaysia (Malaysia Day), the Netherlands (Whit Monday), Singapore (Singapore Day) and South Africa (Freedom Day) to celebrate their chosen 'Special Day'.
To find out if your local parkrun event – or an event near where you will be – is running this year you can click on the parkrun UK Special Events page here.
If you happen to be in one of the other 18 countries worldwide where parkruns are held you can visit the parkrun Support – additional parkrun days page here.
If you are parkrunning this festive season, don't forget to fancy dress for the occasion and in the excitement don't forget your barcode (#DFYB), or your 'Special Day' won't be recorded!
Photo courtesy of Mote Park (Maidstone) parkrun (running on New Year's Day 2025)