Get OUT and Run
Glasgow Frontrunners' West End 5 miler is back this August...
Scheduled for 19 August, Glasgow Frontrunners' OUTrun is a fun and inclusive event that involves a 5-mile timed running event in one of Glasgow’s best-loved ‘dear green places’, this is a scenic race around the West End's Kelvingrove Park and along the Kelvin Walkway.
Race, jog, or walk it, it’s your choice. It is mostly a flat course suitable for all abilities, but there are a couple of small hills just to make it a little bit of a challenge, with the organising committee commenting: "We know that’s what you like!"
Adding some colour to proceedings this year's race t-shirts (which are included in the entry cost) will be pink.
There will also be the usual post-race bake sale, so organisers would be delighted with any baked good offerings you might be able to rustle up! Donations from the sale will be going to Time for Inclusive Education (TIE), Scotland’s LGBT Inclusive Education charity. They work with schools across the country to embed LGBT themes into ordinary teaching and learning. This approach became a national expectation for schools in 2021 and helps to tackle the stereotypes, prejudice, and bullying that young people who are LGBT, or have LGBT family members, can often experience.
The 2022 staging was a phenomenal success with £2092 being raised for the same worthwhile cause. In terms of the stats from the day, fastest male prize went to Adam Kelly who completed the course in 28:29 with fastest female going to Ana Richardson in 34:25. Fastest non-binary was claimed by Alex Blanchard in 47:01.
If you'd like to know more visit the Glasgow Frontrunners website.
Image: Glasgow Frontrunners Facebook