Invitation to go all out at new Altrincham 10K
New race on closed roads around the historical market town
There is nothing like a new race to gladden the hearts of runners everywhere particularly after the year we’ve had. The Altrincham 10K makes its debut on Sunday 5 September and promises a fast course for PB-chasers and a good morning’s racing for everyone irrespective of age or ability.
The first race in Altrincham for organisers RunThrough and in partnership with Trafford Council, this autumn 10K is a welcome sign of normality as the country emerges from lockdown and is something to work towards. Around 3,000 runners will descend on the affluent town for a speedy, chip-timed 10K, with full road closures, and receive a custom made medal, tech T-shirt and goody bag for their efforts. The race starts and finishes in Altrincham town centre.
Note: the full course map will become available to view after final approval.
There is the option to run for charity, for example, Macmillan Cancer Support or one of the many worthy causes supported by RunThrough. All of whom have struggled during the pandemic and appreciate any help given.
Runners and their friends and families are encouraged to spend the rest of the day in Altrincham, exploring the town centre and surrounding areas such as Dunham Massey Gardens. A combination of fine, dry weather and no restrictions make this a very tempting prospect.
Updates about this new race will appear on the Altrincham 10K Facebook page and Twitter feed.
For more information and how to enter, visit the Altrincham 10K website.
Image courtesy of RunThrough