
Looking forward to the start of the Great Midlands Fun Run

Join the party at the Royal Sutton Fun Run

There are a limited number of places at this celebratory event.

Don’t leave it too long to enter the Royal Sutton Fun Run on Sunday 29 May at 11am and miss out on the 8.5 mile hilly course whilst supporting a charity. Participants of all ages, backgrounds and abilities will enjoy a challenging route and a buzzing atmosphere as they are cheered on by enthusiastic crowds. 

Previously known as the Great Midlands Fun Run, the event has been renamed the Royal Sutton Fun Run and what better timing than in the year the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee takes place. This means two reasons to celebrate: the 40th anniversary of this popular fundraiser followed by the commemoration of the Queen’s 70 years of service the following weekend. 

People have the option to run, jog or walk their way around a route which includes Sutton Park and the course contains a number of road closures agreed by Birmingham City Council. The organisers emphasise it is not a race; it is an inclusive, fun event where thousands of pounds are raised for charity to improve the lives of those most in need. 

However, 8.5 miles is no mean feat and the undulating course will give the competitive runner or walker something to get their teeth into! There is a one mile climb up to the Jamboree Stone and hearts will be beating fast up Cardiac Hill.   

The uphills are followed by a pleasant downhill section in the final 1.5 mile before finishing in Sutton Coldfield Town Centre. Once over the line, finishers receive a special commemorative medal to proudly display with others. 

Learn more about the charities, voluntary organisations and community interest groups and how to fundraise for them. Information about this, how to get there and the route itself can be found at the website. 

Register now at the Royal Sutton Fun Run website. 

Image courtesy of Royal Sutton Fun Run.

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