'Rainbow of Hope' at Richmond
As the nation comes to grips with the reality of the Coronavirus pandemic, here at runABC South we are pleased to end our week with some positive news. Richmond RUNFEST and AIR:RUN organisers have joined the 'rainbow of hope' movement to spread hope to the community and thank all NHS heroes working on the front line.
Since the Coronavirus outbreak, rainbow pictures are appearing on windows throughout the UK, Italy, Spain, USA and Canada to spread hope, kindness and boost morale to everyone affected by the situation.
The RUNFEST/AIR:RUN team has announced they are spreading messages of hope and togetherness at a time when we all need it most by introducing a ‘Rainbow of Hope’ theme to both Richmond RUNFEST (12 & 13 September) and AIR:RUN and are giving 1,000 NHS staff a FREE entry into AIR:RUN.
The brand new, innovative AIR:RUN, originally scheduled for 31 May, has been postponed to 25 October and includes AIR:13.1; AIR:10K; London 5K and Family Road Mile with a unique audio running concept and 'air-mazing' medals.
Tom Bedford, race director of RUNFEST and AIR:RUN said: “Our world, as we know it, has changed for us all and we will feel this global impact for many months to come. There isn’t much in the form of positivity, except for the exceptional acts of kindness happening around the world. It seems that the one thing we do have control over is kindness and goodwill, so we are spreading hope to our community by introducing a rainbow theme to all of our events and thanking the brilliant NHS staff for being our heroes during this time.
“Starting now, the rainbow theme will flow through to race day with themed start/finish gantries, flags, banners and decorations. Runners, we encourage you to join in with rainbow running outfits to spread the message that we are in this together and in the autumn, WE WILL RUN TOGETHER.”
If you are an NHS hero and would like to run AIR:10K, Half Marathon, 5K or Family Mile on Sunday 25 October you can click here for the dedicated NHS Heroes link to register.
Images courtesy Richmond RUNFEST