
Loch Ness Marathon

Monster effort: Nessie completes Baxters Loch Ness Marathon 2020

Virtual events celebrate opening of entries to 2021 Festival of Running

Nessie herself completed the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon route yesterday, officially opening the 2021 edition of the event for super early-bird entry.

Interviewed by Bryan Burnett after her run, the usually elusive sea creature said: "I was gutted when I realised the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon had been cancelled this year but I'm now over the moon to be able to sign-up for the 2021 event. 

"I somehow managed to set a new PB today so I'm hopeful that with the encouragement of my fellow runners and that special Loch Ness buzz, I can smash that PB again next year!"

Organisers also encouraged the thousands of land-dwelling runners who would have been taking part to get out for a run yesterday – on what should have been race day for the 2020 Baxters Loch Ness Marathon & Festival of Running – wearing their Loch Ness Marathon t-shirts, tartan or something else Scottish, and tagging their efforts #RunLochNess.

The 2020 event was also marked with a virtual 'Runners Café' held on Facebook and Instragram Saturday evening.

The online session was hosted by race commentator Bryan Burnett and featured chats and Q&A sessions with sports presenter Vassos Alexander, endurance running coach Tom Craggs, and Malcolm Sutherland, the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon event director.
Also there to share food inspiration was Darren Sivewright, innovation chef from Baxters Food Group, and other contributors, such as Fiona Rennie, who has run all 18 Loch Ness Marathons since it began in 2002.  

The RunLochNess playlist, created with the suggestions made by runners during the Café, can now be found on Spotify.

Sutherland said: "We couldn't let the 2020 event weekend pass without celebrating what we all love about the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon & Festival of Running. Thank you to Bryan and our guests for sharing their Loch Ness experiences with us and chatting all things running.

“We know Loch Ness Marathon is on many people's bucket lists, and if 2020 has taught us anything it is that we should make the most of opportunities, so why not make 2021 your year and sign up?"
Next year’s Baxters Loch Ness Marathon & Festival of Running will take place on Sunday, 3 October, and will incorporate the Marathon, the River Ness 10K, the Corporate Challenge, the 5K and Wee Nessie. 

Super early bird entries are now open at Baxters Loch Ness Marathon website.

Image courtesy: Baxters Loch Ness Marathon & Festival of Running

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