Tatton 10K December ends the year on a high note
The last race in the series was a sell out success
2020 has been a year to forget but the Tatton 10K – December 2020 (Saturday 5 December) brought some much needed cheer to follow the second national lockdown. One group in particular put a smile on people’s faces as they made their way around this picturesque location.
Saturday’s sold out race was the last in the series from RunThrough and a well-organised affair as has been the case throughout the year. The safety measures allayed fears about virus transmission and whilst some people were unable to participate due to living in Tier 3, those that could appreciated the efforts made on their behalf. This has made it an enjoyable experience in these extra-ordinary times.
There was a good mix of runners, some new and others returning for another go, who made the most of the single lap, fast and undulating course around Tatton Park. There were 574 finishers.
Tom Charles sped his way to victory, winning the December 10K in 31:30 followed by Karl Darcey in 31:43 and Joshua Birmingham of Bury AC in 32:03.
Vicki Cronin of Trafford AC was the winning female in 37:56 just ahead of Sarah Thomas of Bury AC, second in 37:56, with Tracy Rogers of Buckley Runners third in 41:06.
Several runners entered into the spirit of the occasion by wearing Christmas themed outfits but the prize must go to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs a.k.a Laura Finnigan and her friends. She was celebrating her 40th birthday and together with her friends decided to run in costume and entertain everyone. 'Miles with smiles' is Laura’s motto and it was on display last Saturday.
Organisers RunThrough have done a sterling job, hosting the Tatton 10K series in a year marked by a global pandemic. Their Covid-secure races have been a morale-booster at a time when the mood was anything but upbeat.
The 2021 Tatton 10K series begins on Saturday 9 January.
“Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to run we go”.
Image courtesy of RunThrough.