
ABP Southampton Marathon start

New date for Southampton Marathon helps London rejects

London entry rejected? Feeling somewhat dejected? Never fear, Southampton's near and with £11 off it's not so dear! Read on for a great offer from the ABP Southampton Marathon that could just salvage your spring marathon plans.

The date of next year’s ABP Southampton Marathon has been changed to ensure it continues to attract tens of thousands of entrants and spectators. Organisers have worked closely with Southampton City Council to secure the new date of 5 May after it was announced that part of the M27 would be closed on the original date of April 28.

This means the fifth ABP Southampton Marathon will now take place seven days after London, giving runners an alternative if they don’t get a spot and the added bonus of a day off work for many afterwards as it’s a Bank Holiday weekend.

It usually costs £49.99 to enter Southampton but organisers are offering to match London’s price (£39) for two weeks for runners who were unsuccessful in the London ballot. To redeem the ‘commiseration’ offer use the code ‘LONDON’ when entering online before 28 October.

Race director Chris Rees said: “The Virgin London Marathon is a brilliant event so we understand those who don’t get a ballot place might be disappointed. The good news is our event is exactly a week later so their training needn’t go to waste. The ABP Southampton Marathon is gaining a reputation as one of the friendliest events in the running calendar so entrants can be sure of huge cheers and excellent support from up to 30,000 spectators on the day. What’s more, Southampton is an exceptionally well-connected city, so it’ll be simple and easy for runners to get to us on the day.”

Businesses across Southampton offer ‘medal discounts’ to those who complete the marathon, meaning you can expect everything from a free pizza to cheap trainers and complimentary coffee after running.

ABP Southampton Marathon will feature a selection of distances again in 2019. There will be 10k, half marathon and full marathon options, as well as a one-mile fun run for children and families.

Enter online at the ABP Southampton Marathon website here

Image courtesy ABP Southampton Marathon

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