Event of the Week

Bronte Half

Bronte's Back!

Head to Bronte Country for this scenic springtime half...

After great reviews in its debut year the Bronte Half Marathon in support of Sue Ryder will return in 2025 on 18 May. The race takes place in the heart of Bronte Country between Haworth and Hebden Bridge and offers runners a multi-terrain route via roads, paths and tracks.

A spokesperson from Sue Ryder told us: "For 18 years we have been holding a mountain bike ride in this area and whilst the signs are out, the feed stations are in position and the pie and peas are steaming at the finish we thought it would be rude not to invite our running community to join in."

So both the running and riding events will take place at the same time and for those who know participants taking on the Charlotte route in the bike challenge there are bragging rights to be had! Can you run a half marathon and be back before they have done twice the distance on their bike?

Organisers explain: "The event is a standalone timed half marathon trail run but for those who have friends who ride off road there is the potential option for an extra competitive element. Will the riders of the Charlotte bike challenge route be able to catch the half marathon runners in the last 5 miles to the finish, that is the question!"

There is a fitting end to the race action with all participants recieving pie and peas and a race memento at the finish.

If you'd like to know more, visit the Bronte Half Marathon website.

Image: Sue Ryder

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