Celebrate 10 years of the Glenlivet 10K
A capacity field of 700 is expected to take to the start line for the 10th anniversary Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland Glenlivet 10K on Sunday, 7 April.
Since its start in 2010, the event has attracted runners of all abilities from all over the world, and raised close to £175,000 for the charity.
Creator and organiser of ‘the most beautiful run in Scotland’, Paul Corrigan, CHSS North of Scotland Fundraising Manager, told runABC Scotland online: “It really is hard to believe that this year will be the 10th birthday of the Glenlivet 10K.
“The incredible amount of money raised by everyone who has been involved with the event really has helped people who have been affected by a life-changing illness to take back control of their lives, regain their confidence, and live life to the full.”
Reflecting on the last decade, Corrigan says that the format of the event has remained more or less the same since the beginning, with only minor changes and improvements along the way – like smarter race timing and quicker results post-race.
Corrigan also says that the generous support of Glenlivet Distillery given from day one – including miniature bottles for every runner to savour later – has ‘never been taken for granted’.
“Back in the planning stages for the first event, the Visitor Centre Manager offered us the use of the sumptuous ‘Malt Barn’ hospitality suite. I was concerned that so many sweaty runners with muddy feet might be an issue – but it wasn’t then and still isn’t now.
“Anyone who has taken part in the race will talk about the ‘poshest toilets’ ever and the luxury of the registration room!”
Corrigan also has praise for the local community, who continue to be very ‘hands on’ with their support for the race – from ‘Alex’ the local farmer who allows his fields to be used freely for parking and works tirelessly to prepare them before the event, to the ‘Gallow Hill’ and Glenlivet Hill Trek teams who manage the water stations.
Looking back over his decade as race director, Corrigan says that it has been a genuine privilege to welcome such a wide variety of runners to Glenlivet – including top Scottish internationals, joggers taking on their first ever 10k and even a team from the distillery itself, who pushed a whisky barrel round the course.
For the small number of runners who have completed every Glenlivet 10K, a ‘special surprise’ awaits them on race day.
And will Corrigan himself be taking part? He won’t be drawn, but runABC Scotland online understands that race bib no. 10 has already been allocated to a certain ‘ageing runner’ …
Entries to the 10th anniversary Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland Glenlivet 10K are available now at the event website.
Image: Glenlivet 2017 (Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland)