Marathon runners on roads

Marathon Training Schedule (target time 4:30)

Stepping up from the Half Marathon distance to a full Marathon takes courage, strength, determination and a good training plan

Running your first Marathon can be daunting, however if you've completed a Half Marathon, you should be able to make the step up by following our Marathon schedule below. The target time is four hours and 30 minutes (numbers in the table denote length of traiuning runs in minutes).

16 week schedule for a 4:30 marathon

Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 ER 30 SR 30 Rest / CT SR 30 Rest ER 30 LR 45
2 ER 30 SR 30 Rest / CT SR 30 Rest ER 30 LR 60
3 RR 30 TR 3 x 6 - 5 min recovery
15 min warm-up / cool-down jog
Rest / CT KH (10 uphill effort) _ 15 warm-up / cool-down jog) Rest + STR RR 40 or Rest LR 75
4 Rest + STR TR 2 x 10
5 min recovery jog
Rest / CT KH (15 uphill effort) Rest RR 30 LR 85
5 Rest TR 2 x 12
5 min recovery jog
Rest / CT KH (22 uphill effort) Rest SR 35 (inc 5 x 2 hard with 2 min recovery) LR 95
6 Recovery week RR 25 Rest / CT TR 15 + 15 warm-up / cool-down jog Rest + STR RR 25 LR 105
7 Rest TR 2 x 15
4 min recovery jog
Rest / CT KH (25 uphill effort) Rest + STR RR 40 LR 120
8 Rest TR 20
15 warm-up / cool-down jog
Rest / CT LI - 4 x 5 at 10K pace - 3 min recovery jog Rest SR 30 over hills (push on uphills) LR 135
9 Rest TR 2 x 20
5 min recovery jog
Rest / CT CT 60 MR 60 with 4 x 5 efforts @ 10K pace - 5 min recovery jog RR 30 + STR LR 150
10 Rest RR 30 + STR INT - 4 x 3 @ 10K pace - 2 min recovery) CT 30 Rest RR 2- inc 5 x 30 sec strides + STR Race a Half Marathon
11 Rest RR 30 Rest / CT MR 75 @ max pace Rest INT = 6 x 3 @ 10K pace with 2 min recovery LR 160 (40 easy, 90 max pace, 30 easy)
12 Rest RR 75 (inc. 30 @ threshold pace) Rest / CT MR 90, 60 @ max pac
30 @ threshold pace
Rest Run 40 (inc 5 x 3 @10K pace - 2 min recovery) LR 180 (60 easy, 90 max pace, 30 easy)
13 Rest TR 30 Rest / CT MR 75 @ max pace Rest INT - 4 x 5 @ 10K pace with 2 min recovery LR 180 (60 easy, 90 max pace, 30 easy)
14 Rest TR 25 Rest / CT MR 90
Last 45 @ max pace
Rest Run 40 (inc 5 x 3 @ 10K pace - 2 min recovery) LR 120 (60 easy, 60 max pace)
15 Rest CT 30 + STR RR 35 (inc 15 @ threshold pace) Rest TR 2 x 10 with 3 min recovery STR 30 LR 60 @ max pace
16 Rest RR 30 (15 @ max pace) Rest RR 20 (inc 6 x 30 sec pick-ups) Rest 15 very easy jog Race Day!


SR - Steady Run
Run at around half marathon race pace (if you expected to run the half in 2 hours, then around 9 minute miles)
LR - Long Run
Run much slower than half marathon pace (if you expected to run the half in 2 hours, then not much quicker than 10 minute miles)
INT - Interval Session
Introduces variety, quality and hard work into your programme and should be progressive (sessions could be Fartlek, 800m reps, Magic Miles). See article 'Need For Speed'
RR - Recovery Run
An important component, let's you relax after hard sessions (both physically and mentally) and can also allow you to concentrate on stretching
CR - Cross-training
Cross-training can include swimming, cycling, yoga or, relatively easy to do, an 'at home' stretching session

all Training Schedules
